Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Long time my friends...

So It has been a VERY long time since I have posted anything on here! Things have been so hectic for Trevor and I this summer. In June, our nephews came into town from Oklahoma and Colorado, so we were super busy playing with them. It was really sad to see them go earlier this month. I celebrated my 23rd birthday in June as well! It was a fun day! I got a new job in June too! I started at Select Health on June 23rd, and I love it here!! I was at my last job 4 years so it was nice to have a change! It was hard to leave though. In July we had a chance to go camping a few times. Over the 4th of July we camped at the Provo River at the family property. On the 4th, we went floating down the river and I was tethered to my nephew's tube and we got wrapped around a trussel under one of the bridges. My tube went under and was lost forever! I was sucked down to the bottom of the river and and up about ten feet away. It was a very scary situation. My nephew was thankfully wearing a life jacket and, although traumatized, was safe and sound. After that, I was done floating that trip! We did some more camping on the 24th weekend, again at the river! This time my mom and little brother came! It was so much fun! I did not get any fishing in, but I had fun with all the nephews! I have a very big imagination so they like me to play a lot! I love being the "Favorite" Aunt. So far in August, we have been through a lot as well. The 4th was our one year wedding anniv. It was a crazy day! Nothing; Nothing went as it was supposed to go that day... We planned to go golfing early that morning, but woke up very late. So we finally made it to the course, and while waiting for our tee time, I hurt my wrist, so we had to take a rain check. Having all afternoon open we decided to see the movie The Dark Night! (Great movie) I got really sick about half way through the movie, and when it was over we went home to take some medicine and lay down for a few min until dinner. Trevor got called to work, and we did not end up going to dinner until 10:00 and by then the only thing open was Del Taco. So that was our first anniv! The next day however was a lot better, and we got to go golfing, and have a nice dinner, so it was ok by me! And, I even got flowers! First time in three years!!! He did a great job! Other than that, our summer has been pretty normal. Trevor has been super busy at work lately, which is a huge blessing, with the economy right now work has been slow. But after much praying things are starting to really pick up! Now we just need to be blessed with a little one and life will be perfect!!