Thursday, February 26, 2009


Yesterday was my interview with the Art Institute of Salt Lake. It went really well, I am totally ecstatic about the culinary program that they have to offer. The classes and schedules are so amazing, and the school only has 250 students. After I got really excited about the program and was ready to apply, we started to talk about the cost of the program and the degree. Are you sitting down for this? If not, it's probably a good idea to sit. The program is broken up into 7 quarters, each quarter is 11 weeks long, and has 4 classes a quarter. Roughly 16 credit hours, and each class is 5 hours long. So I am thinking so far, this is still worth my while because I really want to start my own catering company. Then, and here is the hard part, the tuition is just over 7200.00 per quarter. Which comes to 451.00 per credit hour and just over 50 thousand for the degree in a hear and a half!! I am pretty sure when I heard this my eyes were about to fall out of my head!! Ah, I want to go to this school so bad!! The last thing that I want to come in the way of my dream is money, but at the end of the day, I don't have 50 grand lying in my savings account! There are other avenues of obtaining my tuition, and I am going to do all I can to get the funding for those, but I don't want to get the funding for one quarter and not have it be there for the next. I have a lot to think and to pray about. I am going to do more research on other programs in Utah, and if I can't go to my dream school, I will have to go somewhere else to get reach my dream!

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