I love it when you really want to do something, and you keep telling yourself that today is the day it is going to happen. In my life as of late, Today seems to be tomorrow, maybe the next day or perhaps next week? Thanks to a wonderful group of women at work, Today started 4 days ago, and it is going great!
These lovely ladies

Plus This
And this

Will equal This
I am so happy to finally be doing what I have wanted to do for long, but have not had the
motivation to do. It's been hard these past 4 days. I know the hard part is not over, but I am really loving how I feel overall. My pants feel a little more loose today. Even though I am dead tired and have had a migraine the past few days, I feel better knowing I am not drinking soda. Trevor has been a big help too! He let me go to the store and buy everything that I needed and did not say a word. He knows I need to do this my way, and it willing to let me just do it. Before I met Trevor I spent a whole year working towards a
healthy me and I had pretty much accomplished that goal. Then my trips to the gym were more and more days
in between until finally they stopped all together. I wont lie, working out this week is killing me! I hate it! I hate the pain, the sweat, and the smelly guy who always seems to pick the treadmill right next to me. Next week I am in high hopes that it will be easier!
Good luck! I know that this is a hard thing and it is very easy to not get motivated but I hope it works out for you!