Monday, November 9, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
A LIttle Bit Country

I had Trevor make this super cute frame for me to hold all my headbands. He did such a great job! I had asked him to get me some weathered boards because I had an idea. Being the sweet husband that he is, he generously took time out of his hunt to gather up a few boards from an old rotting pallet on the farm. Still not sure what he was doing it for, he found the perfect weathered look I was going for.
Once put together, I felt that it needed something. At 4:00 in the morning after I had finished my cram session of getting all my headbands created, I looked at the flower arrangement on my table and stole a few flowers from it. I love how it turned out!!
Once put together, I felt that it needed something. At 4:00 in the morning after I had finished my cram session of getting all my headbands created, I looked at the flower arrangement on my table and stole a few flowers from it. I love how it turned out!!
Crafty Things
I made it through my first Holiday fair this past Saturday. I would like to say that it was a success, but that would be an outright lie! I took Friday off of work to complete the majority of my projects for the next day. I worked my little fingers to the bone, and worked all through the night. I managed to make a dozen tutus and about 30 headbands. Feeling very tired, but utterly excited about the day ahead, I dragged my self into the shower to get ready for the three hour drive, and long day ahead.
7 LONG hours later, I managed to sell 4 headbands and one necklace. All my work, and the sleepless night before was lost on the smallest crowd I have ever seen. The fair as a whole was really slow this year. I am afraid to say that I came home with nothing! The money I did make was spent on a deliciously cute hate and two flowers for my hair! and a ton of stuff that I can't use! I am going to post on to see if I can't recover some of the money I spent!

7 LONG hours later, I managed to sell 4 headbands and one necklace. All my work, and the sleepless night before was lost on the smallest crowd I have ever seen. The fair as a whole was really slow this year. I am afraid to say that I came home with nothing! The money I did make was spent on a deliciously cute hate and two flowers for my hair! and a ton of stuff that I can't use! I am going to post on to see if I can't recover some of the money I spent!


Tutus (There are a lot more than pictured...)

Thursday, October 15, 2009
I love it when you really want to do something, and you keep telling yourself that today is the day it is going to happen. In my life as of late, Today seems to be tomorrow, maybe the next day or perhaps next week? Thanks to a wonderful group of women at work, Today started 4 days ago, and it is going great!
These lovely ladies
Plus This

And this
Will equal This
Friday, October 2, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Oh No!
I am a self admitted procrastinator. I have delusions of grandeur. And, it’s caught up to me again! The Holiday craft fair is on October 17th. Do I have anything ready? NOPE!! I have a million different ideas, and have what appears to be the start of 20 or so headbands, but nothing is done. I can’t believe I have done this again this year. Last year I spent the night before the fair making a dozen tutus. I keep telling myself “Gladys, just get it done, you will not wait until the night before.” No matter how many times I tell myself this, another day goes by and nothing gets accomplished. One year of excitement for the fair has come down to two weeks of nail biting, patience testing, lady full of attitude work!
I have thought of making a check list and keeping it visible so that I have a constant reminder of what I need to do. But, the big tote full of tulle and headbands and craziness in the corner of my living room should be reminder enough. While watching an hour of tv or a movie with my husband at night I think to myself that I should be busy working on my projects, but I don’t. At work I spend breaks surfing the web for cute pictures and ideas, to pump myself up. My buzz quickly fades away. I am excited for the fair, and I am excited to show off my tutus and my headbands. So why has nothing procured my interest? Is it the nervous ping in my belly that nothing will sell, and my headbands will be the laughingstock of the fair? Maybe. Is it the fact that everyone on earth is now making tutus? Possibly. I know my tutus sell. They always do. But, everywhere I turn I see someone else making them! (Although, I still think mine are much cuter. But I am biased.) I think the fear of the unknown has kept my work at bay. It is the best answer I have. It has been what has held me back for nearly a year.
Last night I went and bought enough fabric and enough headbands to outfit a small army. Right now I am really into shabby chic prints. I bought perhaps the cutest shabby flower fabric ever! I also bought a star fabric that is sure to look amazing! I love to just mosey through the fabric store and dream of the things that could be done. I love the smell of a fresh bolt of fabric. I love finding a print that is perfect, but has been pushed to the back of the rack and forgotten. I loves running my hands across different textures and hunting for the perfect one. If I could, I would spend my days sewing and creating dresses, and all sorts of fabulous couture. Because I have such delusions of grandeur it is hard for me to sit down and make anything happen. I used to buy purses and shoes, now I buy fabric. I cannot leave wal-mart without stopping by the remnant section and looking for a perfect scrap of fabric. From this obsession my idea for creating cute and sassy headbands formed. (pictures of these headbands will be coming next week. I need to complete them first!)
I have two weeks. Just 16 days. I need to get this done!
I have thought of making a check list and keeping it visible so that I have a constant reminder of what I need to do. But, the big tote full of tulle and headbands and craziness in the corner of my living room should be reminder enough. While watching an hour of tv or a movie with my husband at night I think to myself that I should be busy working on my projects, but I don’t. At work I spend breaks surfing the web for cute pictures and ideas, to pump myself up. My buzz quickly fades away. I am excited for the fair, and I am excited to show off my tutus and my headbands. So why has nothing procured my interest? Is it the nervous ping in my belly that nothing will sell, and my headbands will be the laughingstock of the fair? Maybe. Is it the fact that everyone on earth is now making tutus? Possibly. I know my tutus sell. They always do. But, everywhere I turn I see someone else making them! (Although, I still think mine are much cuter. But I am biased.) I think the fear of the unknown has kept my work at bay. It is the best answer I have. It has been what has held me back for nearly a year.
Last night I went and bought enough fabric and enough headbands to outfit a small army. Right now I am really into shabby chic prints. I bought perhaps the cutest shabby flower fabric ever! I also bought a star fabric that is sure to look amazing! I love to just mosey through the fabric store and dream of the things that could be done. I love the smell of a fresh bolt of fabric. I love finding a print that is perfect, but has been pushed to the back of the rack and forgotten. I loves running my hands across different textures and hunting for the perfect one. If I could, I would spend my days sewing and creating dresses, and all sorts of fabulous couture. Because I have such delusions of grandeur it is hard for me to sit down and make anything happen. I used to buy purses and shoes, now I buy fabric. I cannot leave wal-mart without stopping by the remnant section and looking for a perfect scrap of fabric. From this obsession my idea for creating cute and sassy headbands formed. (pictures of these headbands will be coming next week. I need to complete them first!)
I have two weeks. Just 16 days. I need to get this done!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Car Accident

I sit here a little shaken up today, nerves still slightly rattled. My mom called me at work yesterday and informed me that my little brother had totaled his car. Quickly assuring me that he was ok, and alert and walking. She told me that he was turning left at the intersection and a utility van coming the opposite way hit him from the passenger side. He is one very lucky boy. I am so thankful that I am here writing about this, and not preparing for an unwelcome funeral. My little brother and I have always been thick as thieves, and I cant imagine him gone. I know he is alright, but I keep thinking about the worst case scenario. I hate that about car wrecks. By the way... He has only had his license since last Thursday. My big brother and I told him he beat both our records in that category! LOL
Monday, August 31, 2009
A Very Brotherly Reunion
It's Sunday night, Dinner is cooked, and family is gathered around. Life is good.
This weekend was a whirlwind of adventure for Trevor and I. Friday night We drove up to Pocatello to see our good friends Nelly and Woody, as They are so lovingly nicknamed from Trevor's mission. We had originally intended on going camping, and decided Thursday when the offer came up, to drive up there instead. Am I ever grateful for that!! Nelly had bought a new rifle and was going to sight it in. So, Trevor or Petey as he is referred to by our friends couldn't be happier to bring his rifle along with us to participate in this momentous occasion. With rifles in tow, us ladies were left to enjoy the day. We headed to the Local craft store with a plan of attack on the bead section. I wanted to find some beads to make some more headbands, and instead I found a couple strands of beads to make a beautiful fall necklace and matching bracelet. Tiff (Woody) set out to find beads to make herself a watch. She got probably the cutest wooden beads to complete her watch. Upon leaving the battle field that was once the bead section we set off in search of a candle holder for me. Alas, there was none to be found. However, I found some pretty buttons, and she found cute flannel fabric that I am sure will make the cutest blanket! Not wanting to cause anymore financial damage we headed towards the check out counter and left the store still standing and in almost perfect condition. Feeling a bit hungry, but not wanting to spoil our dinner, we stopped into a pizza parlour to grab a quick order of bread sticks! Boy were they good! I could have eaten the whole order myself, and not felt the least bit ashamed for doing so. After a great day and night of laughter and amazing company Trevor and I went to sleep, for we had an early wake up call. I set the alarm for 5:30 in the morning, but neither of us jumped out of bed. Instead we woke up at 6:00. By 6:20, the car was loaded. Trevor and I were tired and sad, but on our way home.
We arrived home three short hours later, tired, but excited. Unpacked, and quickly doing the dishes and straightening up our house, we expected company! Trevor's brother Dustin and his wife and their new baby were headed to our house. Dustin and his family live in North Carolina because he is a Marine. His wife is moving back to Utah to help prepare for their final return in January. They had made the incredible drive cross country and Trevor and I were lucky to have them as guests in our home! Seeing our new nephew for the first time was amazing. He is the cutest chubby baby! To his mom and dad's amazement he did not cry when Trevor or I held him.
With a quick welcome Trevor and I took them out to breakfast, and enjoyed laughing and sharing stories from the last year since we saw them.
While making dinner last night, Trevor came into the kitchen and said that he had some more good news. He informed me that his brother Nathan and his brothers wife Jenica would be joining us as well. It has been at least 6 years (from the math I can figure) since the three of them have been in the same room together, from Missions to Marines. Feeling overwhelmed, I almost started to cry. We have a one bedroom apartment, and there is was about to be filled with 6 adults, one baby, and three dogs!
It was a really good evening. It did all of our hears good to be back together again.

This weekend was a whirlwind of adventure for Trevor and I. Friday night We drove up to Pocatello to see our good friends Nelly and Woody, as They are so lovingly nicknamed from Trevor's mission. We had originally intended on going camping, and decided Thursday when the offer came up, to drive up there instead. Am I ever grateful for that!! Nelly had bought a new rifle and was going to sight it in. So, Trevor or Petey as he is referred to by our friends couldn't be happier to bring his rifle along with us to participate in this momentous occasion. With rifles in tow, us ladies were left to enjoy the day. We headed to the Local craft store with a plan of attack on the bead section. I wanted to find some beads to make some more headbands, and instead I found a couple strands of beads to make a beautiful fall necklace and matching bracelet. Tiff (Woody) set out to find beads to make herself a watch. She got probably the cutest wooden beads to complete her watch. Upon leaving the battle field that was once the bead section we set off in search of a candle holder for me. Alas, there was none to be found. However, I found some pretty buttons, and she found cute flannel fabric that I am sure will make the cutest blanket! Not wanting to cause anymore financial damage we headed towards the check out counter and left the store still standing and in almost perfect condition. Feeling a bit hungry, but not wanting to spoil our dinner, we stopped into a pizza parlour to grab a quick order of bread sticks! Boy were they good! I could have eaten the whole order myself, and not felt the least bit ashamed for doing so. After a great day and night of laughter and amazing company Trevor and I went to sleep, for we had an early wake up call. I set the alarm for 5:30 in the morning, but neither of us jumped out of bed. Instead we woke up at 6:00. By 6:20, the car was loaded. Trevor and I were tired and sad, but on our way home.
We arrived home three short hours later, tired, but excited. Unpacked, and quickly doing the dishes and straightening up our house, we expected company! Trevor's brother Dustin and his wife and their new baby were headed to our house. Dustin and his family live in North Carolina because he is a Marine. His wife is moving back to Utah to help prepare for their final return in January. They had made the incredible drive cross country and Trevor and I were lucky to have them as guests in our home! Seeing our new nephew for the first time was amazing. He is the cutest chubby baby! To his mom and dad's amazement he did not cry when Trevor or I held him.
With a quick welcome Trevor and I took them out to breakfast, and enjoyed laughing and sharing stories from the last year since we saw them.
While making dinner last night, Trevor came into the kitchen and said that he had some more good news. He informed me that his brother Nathan and his brothers wife Jenica would be joining us as well. It has been at least 6 years (from the math I can figure) since the three of them have been in the same room together, from Missions to Marines. Feeling overwhelmed, I almost started to cry. We have a one bedroom apartment, and there is was about to be filled with 6 adults, one baby, and three dogs!
It was a really good evening. It did all of our hears good to be back together again.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Two Years!
Two years have gone by, and it still feels like it was yesterday. It took a year and a half itself to get us there, but we made it. August 4th, 2007 Trevor and I became husband and wife. We made promises to each other that day, we smiled, kissed, laughed, danced, received many hugs and congratulations. We ate cake, smashed cake in each other’s faces, and took lots of pictures. Two years ago we started our life.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Blogging slump.
Alas my dear blog, it has been far to long since we last conversed. Let me fill you in on a couple things. Brace yourself for a rather short, and drab list. On second thought, lets make two VERY short lists, one hum drum, and one a bit more animated.
Starting with the Hum Drum:
Nobi and Conner have gone to their dad's house, leaving our home very quiet, and considerably clean! Two weeks went by too fast. I was sad to have them leave.
Trevor has been working 12+ hours a day. One of the drivers at his work had to go an d break his toe, and Trevor was called in as reinforcement. Lucky for us, and this could go in the second list, the overtime has been more than welcome.
Ahhh, see very short. Seems to me, that either I have forgotten what what has gone on since we last talked, or I lead a particularly sad boring life... Actually this year has been rather slow for the two of us. We have not even been able to go camping yet. The two of us are having major withdrawls.
Trevor and I traveled to Idaho over the 4th of July to spend time with our close friends, and to see their newborn be blessed. This overnight trip was exactly what we needed, it was a carefree couple days.
Trevor's cancer is gone!! His last surgery was on the 13th, and it went really well. I watched the whole thing. After I picked my stomach off the floor, I took a couple pictures of the 50cent piece sized hole in his neck. We were showed what to look for, incase more of the icky cancer shows up again. We now that to go back to the doctor every 6 months for a full body scan.
I had time to myself since Trevor has been so busy, that I was able to pick up a cute new book, and finish it.
That about sums up our life as of late. What I can remember of it anyway...
Starting with the Hum Drum:
Nobi and Conner have gone to their dad's house, leaving our home very quiet, and considerably clean! Two weeks went by too fast. I was sad to have them leave.
Trevor has been working 12+ hours a day. One of the drivers at his work had to go an d break his toe, and Trevor was called in as reinforcement. Lucky for us, and this could go in the second list, the overtime has been more than welcome.
Ahhh, see very short. Seems to me, that either I have forgotten what what has gone on since we last talked, or I lead a particularly sad boring life... Actually this year has been rather slow for the two of us. We have not even been able to go camping yet. The two of us are having major withdrawls.
Trevor and I traveled to Idaho over the 4th of July to spend time with our close friends, and to see their newborn be blessed. This overnight trip was exactly what we needed, it was a carefree couple days.
Trevor's cancer is gone!! His last surgery was on the 13th, and it went really well. I watched the whole thing. After I picked my stomach off the floor, I took a couple pictures of the 50cent piece sized hole in his neck. We were showed what to look for, incase more of the icky cancer shows up again. We now that to go back to the doctor every 6 months for a full body scan.
I had time to myself since Trevor has been so busy, that I was able to pick up a cute new book, and finish it.
That about sums up our life as of late. What I can remember of it anyway...
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Playing at the Park

We took the boys to play at the wooden park near our house! It's been so fun to have them in town. I am sad they are leaving soon. I feel bad though, because I think they have been going stir crazy because of Trevor's and my work schedule. Tonight is the last night they will stay at our house. Then it's another year before we see them again, unless they come for Christmas!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Getting Ready for the Craft Fair
Last October my mom and I went to Loa for their Craft fair with my Grandma. I was fortunate enough to have been able to use up a little space in my cousin's booth for my tutus. This year I will have my own booth. Along with my tutus, I have decided to sell headbands. I know flowers and bows are really big for little girls right now, but I think big girls (i.e mommies) need some fun accessories too. I have seen quite a few cute headbands for women, so I decided to make my own. Here are my first attempts.
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