This is why I make it a point to tell my family that I love them each time I see or talk to them. And why I make it a point to always thank my heavenly father for my family, and my friends.
I sit here a little shaken up today, nerves still slightly rattled. My mom called me at work yesterday and informed me that my little brother had totaled his car. Quickly assuring me that he was ok, and alert and walking. She told me that he was turning left at the intersection and a utility van coming the opposite way hit him from the passenger side. He is one very lucky boy. I am so thankful that I am here writing about this, and not preparing for an unwelcome funeral. My little brother and I have always been thick as thieves, and I cant imagine him gone. I know he is alright, but I keep thinking about the worst case scenario. I hate that about car wrecks. By the way... He has only had his license since last Thursday. My big brother and I told him he beat both our records in that category! LOL