This past weekend Trevor and I went camping at his farm in Fairview. It was just the two of our puppies and us. We drove down Friday night, and came home Sunday Morning. We got down there just as the sun was setting Friday and set up camp. It was such a nice night. It sprinkled for just a few minutes as we cooked dinner though. We got to use our dutch oven for the first time since our wedding. I cooked us chicken and sautéed onions. I think I am going to have to start using the dutch oven more often because the onions were burnt to a crisp! The
chicken was nice though. After Dinner we roasted a few Marshmallows.
Marshmallows are Trevor's favorite! He is the most patient person I know when it comes to roasting them. He likes to make them as fluffy as possible without turning them brown. He is the best marshmallow roaster! We took our tent with us, but decided that we wanted to sleep in the back of the Montero. We folded up the back seat, cause we did not know that we could take it out. Trevor is nearly 6 feet tall and the space that we had to sleep in was about 5 feet long and the same width wide! Plus, I forgot our pillows! Half The Night our feet were up on the back window! And with the two dogs it was a mess. Needless to say it
was not a very restful night. Early Saturday Morning Daisy woke us up cause she needed to go potty. So we put her on her leash and put her outside. Hoping to get a little more sleep we let her play with Ogie for a while. When we woke up there were 4 vultures circling our car!! Talk about scary!! I was so nervous! We had to rush and get the dogs rounded up so they did not get hurt. Luckily the vultures were scared of us so they left. On Saturday we ate cherry cobbler for breakfast and figured out how to take the back seat out of the Montero. Creating about three more feet of space! It was so much better to sleep in! We played phase ten for a little while after breakfast trying to figure out what to do next. Then we decided to take a drive into town and get a shake. We can't go to the farm with out getting a shake! Trevor always gets caramel, and I always get raspberry. We go to this place called T-Cees. They make the best shakes! I had never been to the Fairview museum so we decided to go there. Trevor's grandpa was a photographer for the State of Utah and has some things in the Museum. It was such a cool experience. In the newer part of the Museum there is a Wooley Mammoth skeleton that they had found in Sanpete County. There were also pictures of the historic Indian wars that took place in the county. In the old Museum we found a portrait of one of Trevor's ancestors. We did not see the pictures from his grandpa because they rotate the pictures that they have and his was in the storage area. But it was interesting nonetheless. We saw and old perm machine that looked terrifying! We also saw and old dentist chair. Trevor told me he would be more scared to get a perm than he would be going to the dentist. I agreed. It was pretty scary looking! We wandered around for a few hours.
Saturday Night we roasted brat
worst and more marshmallows. It was a great night! We brought our portable DVD player along with us, and watched a movie before bed. Sunday morning, we woke up and had to rush home for mother's day and church.